Friday, 26 October 2012


The late 1980’s, early 1990’s, was a major era in the trans­form­a­tion of music, we all know that. But why? Although Nirvana weren’t com­pletely ori­ginal and not the first to do what they did, people listened. They, above any­one else, had the abil­ity to shock an audience This is what Kurt did, it was what he was born to do, and still, today, the further we get from Kurt’s death, the more bands we can find like Nirvana.

Nir­vana didn’t see them­selves as any­thing spe­cial, any­thing to be wor­shipped. They played music because it was some­thing they liked to do. Nirvana’s suc­cess was, as former-drummer Dave Grohl said “some­thing that could’ve happened to any­one”. Nir­vana did a lot of phe­nom­enal things in their time, like record­ing Sub Pop’s most suc­cess­ful album yet, Bleach. Bleach was recor­ded in 1989 and ended up selling more than 1.7 mil­lion cop­ies. We might think noth­ing makes a big­ger impact than an album that sells over 1.7 mil­lion cop­ies, but we’re wrong. Nir­vana only got big­ger and bet­ter. Record­ing their second album, Nev­er­mind, was really what did it for Nir­vana. “Nev­er­mind really changed the face of the music industry”, as pro­du­cer of the album, Butch Vig described it, “it wiped away all the hair bands, all the pop bands — it did away with all that kind of music”. I sup­pose this album became the album to ful­fil Kurt’s prom­ise; to “debase mod­ern music”.
Janu­ary 11th 1992 was the day that changed everything, brought Nir­vana to big­ger things. Nev­er­mind became no.1 album in Amer­ica, beat­ing pop’s biggest name, Michael Jack­son. For a young group of rock stars from Seattle to make it to no.1, above Michael Jack­son, was an amaz­ing achieve­ment. Nir­vana grew big­ger and bet­ter, and it was when Dave Grohl joined the band that they trans­formed into rock mon­sters of the world. Grohl brought a spe­cific style with him that allowed Nir­vana, as a band, to pro­duce some­thing greater and more unique.
After the tragic end to Nir­vana and their music, the remain­ing mem­bers con­tin­ued on to do their own things, Dave Grohl being the most suc­cess­ful. Any rock­star who says they don’t look up to Nir­vana, or they don’t take inspir­a­tion from the way they impacted on the world, is lying! Nir­vana, and Kurt him­self, have left on imprint on so many rock­stars to this day.
“He left such an imprint on me and now I play music for a liv­ing. If it wasn’t for Nir­vana and that scene, I wouldn’t be doing this”
Ben Kowalewicz 
“For me, Nir­vana changed the way music was made. They took the bar and broke it in half, and they gave us all per­mis­sion to express ourselves based on our guts”
Jared Leto
The impact that Nir­vana has left on music stars, to this day, will never be for­got­ten. The amaz­ing thing about Nir­vana is that they don’t need to be mak­ing music to be influ­en­cing people, they’re just there, with every­one, all of the time.

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